Gan West Annual Fund
The Gan West Annual Fund helps close the gap between tuition revenue and the true cost of providing a quality, educational experience for young children. Combined with tuition, these tax-deductible gifts help support the school's annual budget for current programs, provide opportunities for teacher development and enrichment, fund specialists, and support scholarships for children who would otherwise be unable to attend the school.

Tax deductible donations may also be mailed to Gan West: 12053 Jefferson Blvd Culver City 90230
Gan West is a 501c3 non profit - ID 954836001
Your everyday shopping earns $$ for Gan West.
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Planned Giving
One way to contribute to Gan West Preschool, is through planned giving by naming Gan West as a beneficiary in your Will, Trust, or Retirement Account. If you are thinking of making a Planned Gift to Gan West, please notify us so we can properly thank you and acknowledge your future gift, even if it is contingent.

Annual Trike-A-Thon
The parents and students of Gan West participate in an annual
Trike-A-Thon fundraiser. Extended families, friends and supporters are invited to join the Trike-A-Thon event which celebrates a successful completion.
To sponsor a Gan West Student please put their name in the memo online or contact the office.